Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

My “year without holidays” was last year (I had a very nice Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve 2009, thank you very much) but today was kind of a return to it…in a new and current way.

Factually, I biked in to town and spent the day at one of the bars where my girlfriend works on the weekends sometimes, biked home, had dinner together and watched a movie.  Not exactly typical Easter celebrations.

I’m not particularly religious (as I suppose I revealed in my ranting about Catholic priests in my last post) but I like the idea of being spiritual. (Forgive me if that sounds like something you would hear in a dorm room while smelling nag champa, hearing Bob Marley, and passing the bong.)  I succeed in being “spiritual” to varying extents at various times, usually directly proportional to my nearness to the ocean, the mountains, the desert, a living river, or any other temple of natural Beauty.

But today I was pretty far from any of those (no offense to this part of Belgium, but it’s loveliness is entirely separate from that of the natural Earth).

While riding in to town it was frickin freezing, and raining, and there were nearly no places to huddle under cover until I passed a gas station, which advertises in English “All American Car Repair” in front of a big American flag background.  While huddled there my Ipod played “Here Comes the Sun” and Ella Fitzgerald’s “Summertime.”

That was the spirituality.  The sun was not on its way, and it was very definitely winter, and it was funny.  The Universe has a sense of humor.  That is some seriously spiritual shit if you think about it.

I already knew God/the Universe/Divinity had a sense of humor (have you ever seen a hippo shit?  That is clearly the work of something with a sense of humor) but to have a reminder come from my battered little Ipod of all places?  Divinely inspired.

So happy Easter everyone; music is a good thing, life is risen, and the Universe is laughing.

1 comment:

  1. The Universe gave me a thumbs up on this post last. After I posted it I went to take a pee and heard from a car on the street below the "song" "Informer" by "Snow." Good one, Universe!
